How to Create a Customer Journey Map for Your Business?

Based on several customer experiences, many businesses don’t know what a customer really wants. This of course causes customers to look elsewhere or run to competitors who provide something according to their wishes. This can be fixed by creating a customer journey map. Customer journey maps are an important tool for visualizing customer motivation. All businesses or businesses want their products or services to be solutions to problems experienced by customers. However, in this case understanding the problems experienced by customers is the most difficult part. These difficulties generally come from the customers themselves, for example customers who often do not fully understand their own problems.

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map is a customer or consumer’s journey when interacting with a business, business or brand . This customer journey map is complete, starting from when the customer first gets to know the business, looking at the products being sold in the shop window, making a purchase, to the customer’s attitude after making a purchase and making a transaction at the business. So, in simple terms, customer journey mapping is the art of understanding consumer mindsets. Customers can come from anywhere, maybe from Lebanon WhatsApp Data your business’s social media or maybe from your business website. Customers get to know your products in the form of goods and services from these channels. This is what is called a consumer journey map, where the consumer’s first steps enter the sales process at your business.

Benefits of Creating a Customer Journey Map

The key to the success of a business is understanding customers. Through customer journey mapping, this will help you or business buyers understand customers. This form of visualization of customer interactions with a business is a way to understand the direct experience of customers. This visualization also clearly shows Canada Whatsapp Number customers’ perspectives and motivations for a business. This can certainly help business owners organize and optimize processes and get better results. Creating a customer journey map can provide many benefits for a business or brand . For example, a customer journey map can enable a brand to understand consumers in depth or further. Apart from that, customer journey maps can also provide the best experience for customers.

Complete Guide to Becoming a Marketing Affiliate on TikTok

If asked what is the most popular social media at the moment? Surely most of you answered TikTok. It cannot be denied that people prefer TikTok over other social media. Not just to play, but also to earn income. One way is to become a TikTok marketing affiliate. Social media from China is currently expanding into business and commerce. Not only as social media for entertainment, but for trading. So by using TikTok, you can also carry out buying and selling transactions. To make this business easier, TikTok created the TikTok Affiliate program. This is one of TikTok’s strategies for connecting sellers and content creators . If you become a TikTok affiliate, you can link product links directly in the content you create.

Become a marketing affiliate on TikTok?

Maybe until now many people think that TikTok is only an application for dancing. But in fact it’s more than that. In fact, in just two years, TikTok managed to become the top 5 application with the most users in Indonesia. According to statistical data, TikTok currently has 1 billion monthly active users, who also watch 167 million hours of video every minute. Additionally, TikTok was the most popular app downloaded globally in 2021 and 2022, on both iOS and Android app stores, beating giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Kuwait WhatsApp Data YouTube. Wow! TikTok users are also not afraid to spend money or are known to be very loyal. According to Sensor Tower data, TikTok was the top-selling non-gaming app worldwide in February 2021, with user spending of more than $110 million. It finished the year as the top-selling app worldwide.

TikTok’s Increasing Popularity

The first reason why you should become a TikTok affiliate is that TikTok’s popularity is increasing. As previously mentioned, in just one month TikTok managed to gain one million new users. That way you will get a market that tends to increase every month. This is also proven by TikTok which has succeeded in beating Facebook. The USA Whatsapp Number giant application that has been holding great control over social media. So if you become a TikTok affiliate, the potential loss is very small, and the profits you get will be much greater. The next reason is that audience engagement on TikTok is greater. As is known, almost every month TikTok gets more than one million new users. That means you can get more than one million engagements every month.

Understand Consumer Motivation Analysis so that Marketing Strategies are More Effective

Motivation is a condition where a person has a desire or urge that arises consciously or unconsciously to carry out an action with a certain goal. By analyzing consumer motivation, you can create the best and most effective marketing strategy for your cosmetics business. Apart from that, motivation is also defined as an urge to achieve individual inner satisfaction. This can be someone’s motivation when buying something to achieve inner satisfaction. Quoting from DJ Durdian’s explanation, consumer motivation is an influence or consideration that provides encouragement to buy and also encouragement to make choices in purchasing goods or services.

What is Consumer Motivation?

Motivation is a condition where a person consciously or unconsciously has the desire or urge to carry out an action with a certain goal. Apart from that, motivation is also defined as an urge to achieve individual inner satisfaction. This can be someone’s motivation when buying something to achieve inner satisfaction. Meanwhile, consumer motivation is where a brand will look for various ways to motivate consumers to get involved, promote and ultimately buy the product or service. Quoting from DJ Durdian’s explanation, consumer motivation is an influence or consideration that provides encouragement to buy and also Korea WhatsApp Data encouragement to make choices in purchasing goods or services. Consumer motivation is a science of decision making to motivate consumers. This science is very important for building brand equity and loyal customers.

Things that Influence Consumer Motivation

There are three main factors that can influence consumer behavior, namely emotions, situations and personality. Humans tend to use emotions or feelings to obtain information about objects, products and society. In this case, emotions Malaysia Whatsapp Number have a flexible nature and are more specific to the context. For example, consumers can feel relaxed at a spa and excited at a basketball game. The two examples above have a positive emotional side but differ in the level of emotion. Relaxation can motivate someone to linger and let their mind go on an adventure. Meanwhile, excitement can motivate someone to be enthusiastic about buying beauty products or other services.

How to Make a Business Collaboration Proposal

In the process of running a business, a businessman definitely needs work processes and strategies. That influence the development of the company. This development will be obtained from a system of cooperation with other parties. To make it easier to form collaborative relationships, you have to understand how to make the right business collaboration proposal. What must be prepared so that you can get a cooperation agreement. So how do you get investors to look at your business? The answer is to submit a business proposal to the party you want to collaborate with. Here, business venture proposals don’t just stop at being used by trade and service companies on a large scale. Small-scale trading companies still have the opportunity to start a wider business by preparing this type of proposal.

Business and Business Proposal Framework

The contents of the business and business proposal will contain several frameworks. That can support the description of the business you are running. The following will explain the contents of each sub-chapter of the business and business proposal framework as well as what aspects you must include in it. The first framework in business and business proposals is the introductory structure. Here the introduction contains the background of why you chose to build your business, and what is interesting about your business. You need to remember that explaining the background is one Japan WhatsApp Data of the most important aspects in business and business proposals because it will explain the urgency of the business. Investors will tend to be more interested in creative ideas and also the originality behind the emergence of a venture or business.

Cost and Income Design

The contents of the Chapter IV framework are to display details of capital. Operational costs and business income to be obtained. Here you have to write down everything related to the form of costs, where these costs will be used for your business needs. Write in detail and in detail, OK! If your goal in preparing a proposal is to Hong Kong Whatsapp Number get funding from investors. This section will be important points and highlights. Try to explain the financial situation that your business is experiencing honestly and truly. This happens because investors will be very observant in checking the financial. Condition of a company into which they are going to inject funds. Chapter V is the final framework in the business proposal section which will summarize all the essence of the explanations in the previous chapters.

Brand Essence Strategy to Increase Your Cosmetic Brand Awareness!

Just making international quality cosmetic products is not enough to make your business lead the market. However, you also have to accompany it with the right promotional strategy to make people understand the unique value of your products. In this case, implementing a brand essence strategy for your brand and cosmetic products is the right choice. Beautypreneurs, did you know that quality raw materials do not guarantee. The success of your cosmetics brand in dominating the market? Yep! More than that, you must have the best marketing strategy to be able to highlight the essence of the cosmetic brand you own. When you can convey the essence and unique value of your product well to the public, consumers will be more receptive and interested in buying the product.

What is Brand Essence?

Brand essence is something created by a company or industry. To show the main properties of the various products it has. This strategy shows the feelings consumers expect when they interact with the brand. These are the attributes that consumers will then feel or find as differentiators between the brand and other brands on the market. Brand essence is considered the soul or DNA of a brand that can be felt whenever and wherever the brand is located. Brand essence basically functions to unite the brand’s concept, goals, value proposition, values ​​and principles. In this case, a good Italy WhatsApp Data brand essence is a brand essence that is able to explain the unique benefits that the brand offers to its target consumers. The aim of developing this brand essence is to highlight a different identity from its business competitors.

Characteristics of Brand Essence

Like other marketing strategies, brand essence has various characteristics that make it very useful for companies. The following are several brand essence characteristics. That must be present in a brand to highlight its identity in the market. One of the characteristics of the Essence brand is unique. This means that the Cambodia Whatsapp Number essence brand is able to build a brand identity in the market so that the cosmetic product will look unique and attractive. Apart from being unique, a brand essence must have intangible properties. The reason is, brand essence is not like properties in the form of product features and prices. The branding aspect in it is the goals and values ​​of a brand that are not officially written.

How to Make a Pitch Deck and 10 Important Elements That Must Be in It

How to Make a Pitch Deck it’s no surprise that as a new businessman you don’t know about pitch decks. Because this is generally used in company development in the form of presentations. One of the aims of which is to attract investor interest. The first way is to use a fairly popular rule from Guy Kawasaki. Where you have to make sure your slides have no more than 10 slides. Then the time you will use when presenting is also no more than 20 minutes, until the font size you use is no less than 30 minutes. To maximize this, you can organize and place the important points of your cosmetics brand. For example, a brief vision and mission of the brand, character, target market and consumers, as well as what kind of concept you want to campaign in your business.

What is a Pitch Deck?

Quoting from Visme, a pitch deck is a short presentation that explains a general overview of your business plan. With the help of a pitch deck, you can explain what kind of product you will sell to potential investors. Apart from that, this deck can also invite investors to be willing to provide funding for your business. Pitch decks are basically created using various common tools such as KeyNote, PowerPoint, or Prezi. It doesn’t just stop there, you can also use a pitch deck to explain your business plan when meeting with other companies to collaborate with or people who have the Israel WhatsApp Data potential to become co-founders. Although pitch decks are generally created to attract investors, there are actually many other uses for this presentation. As a cosmetic brand owner, you can use a pitch deck to offer collaboration, cooperation with large companies, and attract business partners.

Elements in a Pitch Deck

If you understand what a pitch deck is, the next step is to know what elements are contained in a. Quoting from Forbes, there are three things that can make a potential always look attractive in the eyes of potential investors. These three things are having a simple, convincing appearance and realistic business goals to be carried out further. The following are the ideal elements that should be in a as follows: Title UK Whatsapp Number You must ensure that the title you create is clear and concise. Avoid too many ornaments that could distract from the main slide. Business Issues or Background Write down the issue in the pitch deck. This is the most basic thing and supports the content on the following slides. Also make sure to make the issue more relevant and have high urgency.

Examples of Attractive Cosmetic Brand Logos and How to Make Them!

Before making a cosmetic product with a private label, you have to prepare everything in as much detail as possible. Imagine if this was your own child, a baby you were waiting for and who you would raise with all your heart. Yep! That’s how important it is! One of the things you have to prepare and think carefully about is determining the logo for your cosmetics brand. This problem cannot just be resolved, but you have to consider it carefully. Because, a logo can also play an important role for the company or cosmetics brand that you will start later. A logo can be a reflection of the identity of your cosmetics brand so that it is more easily recognized, especially by the target consumers you want to target.

Cosmetic Brand Logos and Their Influence on Branding

Most people do not realize the importance of cosmetic logo design and its influence on the business in the future. In the end, many new business people are careless in creating their logo. Brand logos are usually one of the first things consumers pay attention to when choosing a particular cosmetic product. Therefore, by creating an attractive cosmetic brand logo, it will make it easier for consumers to recognize your brand. This brand logo Iraq WhatsApp Data will usually be maintained and used for a long time, of course during that time you will continue to innovate and create other cosmetic products that are no less useful. Well, here also the influence of cosmetic brand logos can be seen. Loyal consumers of your cosmetics brand will have a high level of trust in your products.

Influence on Consumer Psychology

Branding via cosmetic brand logos turns out to be very influential on consumer psychology. Indirectly, consumers who are interested in the brand logo you offer will slowly consider purchasing the product. This is of course different when you just choose a packaging design, logo or cosmetic brand name carelessly and Spain Whatsapp Number unattractively. Even just looking at it, consumers may not be interested. However, when you use the right color, the right design, and also a name that is easy to remember, it will have a big influence on consumers’ decisions when buying goods. All of these things really need to be considered when creating a cosmetics brand logo. Because this logo will be the visual image of the cosmetic product that you will sell.

How to Promote a Cosmetics Business on Tumblr, Is It Still Worth It?

Just like various other social media platforms , you can also use Tumblr as a marketing channel for your cosmetics business. Although it must be admitted, the audience is somewhat smaller and more specific than Twitter, Facebook or other mainstream media. This platform, which was first launched in 2007, is filled with interesting blog posts and images. Therefore, this platform is suitable for posting cosmetic and beauty content, which is closely related to the visual aspect. Apart from that, this platform is also considered ideal for you to use if the target market for your business is young people. Because generally Tumblr users are young people, from the millennial and Z generations.

Overview of Tumblr

This platform was first launched in 2007, which was then bought by Yahoo in 2013. Since then, there has been another transfer of ownership from Yahoo to Verizon in 2017, then to its final owner Automattic in 2019 until now. Since its founding until now, Tumblr has experienced fairly consistent growth by hosting more than 549.5 million blogs. According to a Statista report in 2022, Tumblr had more than 312 million visits every month. Surprise! Surprised? You are not the only one, considering that it is very rare for business people to consider Tumblr as their promotional channel. This means Iran WhatsApp Data that it will be even smaller for you to find competitors on this platform. But what makes social media so popular? Well , compared to its competitors (ed. popular platforms), Tumblr offers a more personal and interesting algorithm.

Types of Blog Posts on Tumblr

There are many types of blog posts on Tumblr, this is because users are free to express themselves in an aesthetic and interesting way. However, there are at least 7 types of posts that are most widely used and whose function is similar to templates. First, Tumblr is very popular for short text posts. Even though you Japan Whatsapp Number can write as long as you want, users tend to be interested in quotes that are short but relate to their lives. In this case, you can also promote your brand or cosmetic product by adding a tagline. The main idea of ​​the brand’s character and purpose, which suits the audience’s interests. There is a lot of concrete evidence that with just one simple, short and compelling sentence. A brand can gain great popularity and increase sales of their products.

What is Persuasion Selling? This is the explanation and how to apply it

As a cosmetics brand owner, you definitely want the sales process and marketing activities to run successfully and smoothly. This can help the company to increase its sales or sales growth. Well, in this case you can use a persuasion selling strategy. In order to create profitable sales figures for your cosmetics business, a company needs to build a strong customer base. Where all these customers put their trust in every brand and service/product that you have. This method will help companies in persuasion selling matters. With persuasion selling, you can ensure that in every communication with customers, they feel appreciated and cared for. Apart from that, customers will feel that the services/products you offer can meet their needs. In this way, companies can influence every consumer purchasing decision and also support increased sales of products/services.

What is Persuasion Selling?

Quoting from Coatings World, persuasion selling is a sales method that will help companies convince customers that the service or product you have is one of their needs. As the name suggests, persuasion selling will focus on convincing and persuading consumers. By using this method, companies will always listen to consumers first when looking for the information they need. From the review above, you can understand the desires, needs, difficulties and Indonesia WhatsApp Data motivations of customers. Then you will be able to offer the right solution to customers. Successful persuasion selling will definitely understand each customer’s thoughts about a product and service by educating them about it. With this, customers can rethink their perception of a service or product. The goal is for customers to have encouragement to carry out the purchasing process.

Creating Good Relationships with Consumers

The first is to help companies build good relationships with consumers. This is because persuasion selling will be effective if you have done market research and know the target market first. Then you also have to know what consumers need and want before you offer your product. With this, the possibility of sales will German Whatsapp Number continue to increase. Apart from that, you also have to listen to consumers first. For example, through social listening, conducting surveys, analyzing sentiment and so on. Then gain consumers’ trust and build good relationships. When consumers have a good relationship with a brand, they will not think twice about engaging with the brand or making repeat purchase transactions. Apart from getting an increase, another result of the benefits of persuasion selling is that it can encourage brand loyalty and customer retention opportunities.

How to Understand Consumer Characters to Determine the Best Promotional Strategy

This usually happens because each consumer will definitely have their own uniqueness, so it is very necessary to take a different approach. For example, if you are a seller who then tries to generalize all your potential customers. Then you have made a big mistake. So that you can get the best results, as a seller you must have different approach methods. Depending on who the potential customers you are dealing with are. You will easily maximize the final results that consumers want to get as long as you can study the characteristics of existing consumers. Each final result will be a purchasing decision that will be made by the potential consumer.

The Importance Consumer Behavior and Character

In general, customer support will handle customer complaints for eight hours a day within five days. This will be very tiring, because customers will face several unique potential customers, each of whom has their own challenges. Based on research that has been conducted, there are around 50% of customers who India WhatsApp Data prefer competitors over your business simply. Because the competitor’s business is more successful in satisfying consumers’ desired needs. Why did it happen? The answer is because you don’t group customers strategically and handle them appropriately. You must remember that each customer definitely has a different personality and is spread across various sectors of your business platform. This is where it is important to understand consumer behavior and character.

Various Types of Consumer Characters

The type of potential consumer is the type of consumer that must be a priority for the main target market you are going to. Technically, this type of potential consumer is not yet your consumer. But this type of consumer will have the potential to become a consumer. This type of potential consumer tends to show Brazil Whatsapp Number interest in the service or product you are selling, either through filling out a contact form. Several questions will be asked to the marketing channels. That you have and at least have visited your business website as well. Especially for this type of potential consumer, you can do a little provoking to consumers as quickly as possible. So that these consumers want to make a decision to buy the product or service you are selling. One trick is to give discounts to potential consumers.

Flanking Marketing: Definition, Principles and Types of Strategy

Competition with competitors in the same market segment is one of the things that companies must be aware of. Therefore, quite a few companies will implement various types of marketing strategies and sales methods in order to dominate their products in the market segment the company is targeting. One way is by using flanking marketing. Have you heard? There are several large companies in various business niches that have implemented this type of marketing strategy. Like Red Bull, Volkswagen to Coca Cola. Meanwhile, in the country itself, the large company that uses this strategy is Telkomsel. When implementing this type of product marketing strategy, companies will generally carry out diversification.

What is Flanking Marketing?

Quoting from the Marketing Schools page, flanking marketing is a marketing strategy used by companies to get rid of competitors in market segments. In general, companies that have implemented this strategy will focus on targeting market segments that have not received good service from competitors. So the opportunity to dominate the market will be even greater. You need to remember that this strategy is different from red ocean. Even though Hong Kong WhatsApp Data they are both involved in a market segment that is full of competitors. Flanking marketing will tend to choose a special market segment that is not yet optimal. Flanking marketing will be more likely to meet consumer needs that have not been met by competitors in that particular market segment. Business sectors that succeed in implementing this strategy well will gain access to new market segments and then dominate those market segments.

Benefits of Implementing a Flanking Marketing Strategy

In general, flanking marketing is implemented by innovative companies so they can compete with larger companies from similar industries. Here large companies tend to prefer to carry out marketing by carrying out direct confrontation activities. In a position like this, the smaller business sector will prefer Turkey Whatsapp Number to carry out market maneuvering processes quietly, quickly and certainly without high risks. One option is that they will choose to use a flanking strategy by opening opportunities in higher market segments. This can help businesses maintain the stability of their business infrastructure that they have built for a long time. However, the flanking strategy can also be applied by business types that are already quite dominant.

13+ Types of Sales Approaches to Increase Product Sales

Offering products is one way to attract consumer interest. One way is to utilize the role of the salesperson, but the salesperson to make an approach to find out the appropriate sales approach. Using the right sales approach to consumers is also an opportunity to increase sales. This approach will later be able to influence consumers towards the products you offer, even to the point of making a purchase. This is why, you to know and understand the sales approach. Before knowing in more detail about sales approaches, you also to know what a sales approach is and what types it is. So that you choose the right sales steps that suit the company’s marketing targets. So, check out the following review, OK, Beautypreneurs.

What is a Sales Approach?

A sales approach is a step or technique by a salesperson to improve the sales process so that it is more effective and in line with the company’s marketing targets. This approach can also differentiate between amateur sellers and sellers. This can be seen if the sales approach process is out well and precisely. This first factor concerns the Greece WhatsApp Data products or services you offer to consumers or clients. It could be said that this section is the core of the product or service that you will market. Salespersons must also have adequate skills when dealing with consumers. And this can be known from the salesperson’s previous background.

13 Types of Sales Approaches You Need to Know

Soft sell itself is a form of approach that requires you to interact with consumers. Without having to force or pressure them to buy the product or service you are offering. Hard sell is the opposite of soft sell, because this approach requires you to chase Singapore Whatsapp Number consumers to buy products or services or make them feel like they cannot be bought at another time. You can apply this type of sales approach at a business to business level. However, this approach depends on the salesperson’s ability to build relationships with consumers. Meanwhile, solution selling is the ability to identify problems. That can be a solution for consumers or clients by offering your products or services.