Daily Archives: October 22, 2023

The biggest insights in December were

The 14-hour workdays did their job. Three days of continuous headache caused me to visit the neurological department of Kuopio University Hospital. Expert service, I must say. Epicriids: a combination of tension headache and migraine. November sales: €5,510.00 November’s most popular blog post: October’s results report – 12 months of entrepreneurship behind DECEMBER 2016 In December, I spend time building a vision for the coming year and setting strategic goals. When the big picture is clear enough, setting interim goals is easier. I write and draw three notebooks full of thoughts that had been simmering in my head for three months. Surprisingly, they were even logical. these: Focus and prioritization.

Discussions were held on both sides and the

Two wonderful people were found there who helped for the rest of the year. the naps were good, the work not so much. Also read this: What is Blogger to Professional™ and how does it benefit you? Also read this:™ coaching I also knew that there were still too many concepts. So I had a conversation with a student about possible sales of e-book copyrights. He would receive a ready-made concept, two sales tunnels, texts for landing pages and Facebook ads, and personal guidance.  deal special data was agreed for December. I don’t know if I ended up exhausted sitting on the stairs, but I do know that this was not the same exhaustion as before. I had always taken insomnia as a sign of exhaustion. However, this time there was no insomnia. I slept well and enough. But my body couldn’t take it.

October and November, we wrote the

And it was found there. At the turn of sales documents about the Dream of Happiness concept. The feeling was better. I knew that the person who took over the community was going to do wonders there. I have experienced some of the miracles myself with his help. October sales: €1,920.00. Fatigue did its job. October’s most popular blog post: Impostor Syndrome: 48 Ways to Get Rid of It NOVEMBER 2016 In November, I knew that the business Phone List had to be rethought. I knew I had grown the business to the point where I could run it on my own. you to help, develop and expand. I put a survey on the Blogger to Professional™ student community and asked if there would be people willing to work with me.

The amount of work was still minimal

 In coaching, I have emphasized a lot that the blog topic must be limited and precisely focused in order to be successful with blogging. I have known this for several years. But why is it so difficult to implement in your own case? Finally, a decision had to be made. Some of the concepts had to be abandoned. I can’t break and disperse my own energy and what I do into four big areas. It’s just not fair to anyone. Especially the people who pay me to help. I sent a message to my close circle and asked if anyone would be interested in taking my place as the leader of the Unelma Onnellizzätta community. Someone who wants to help and is able to provide the best possible help and support to the community.

August's most popular blog article

Launch time 2 weeks. Same panic. The same uncertainty . August sales: €5,755.00 : This is how I earned €7,000.00 in 30 days – July income(s) report SEPTEMBER 2016 It was a mess. No anchor point, nothing to grab hold of. The work piled up badly. Six weeks in the fog. Everyday life and family life always come before work. Tough decisions. Permission to be vulnerable. Permission to stop entrepreneurship if you can’t take it. Surprisingly, in September, the feeling did not give up. It was latest database more peaceful. Clear. Still, a big vision was missing. September sales: €6,090.00 September’s most popular blog article: 48 Ways to Promote Business When It’s Quiet OCTOBER 2016 We discussed narrowing down the topic of the blog in blog training and in its Facebook student group.

The frost started to totally spread

And best of all, nothing catastrophic happened. The company was still standing when I came back home. After the vacation, however, the direction was lost. I started to realize that I have four big concepts in my hands (economy and wealth, blogging, the dream of happiness and digital entrepreneurship). What am I focusing on, what am I going to take forward, what will bring the company the necessary revenue? A million Phone List questions, a million undone jobs. The start of children’s school. Secondary school. Is everything going well? It doesn’t work. Bullying both ways. Clearing things up. Try to work. The phone rings. Go there and visit there.  to the hands. #6 time I wanted to give up. From Blogger to Professional™ online coaching II was launched .

Experiences from Blogger to Professional

 Do not spend time on work that is not profitable. Test and optimize (=> this requires a lot and involves certain risks, see December 2015) In July, I set out to optimize the blog coaching sales page and drive a little more traffic to the coaching. The optimization did not bring me the information I most needed. The optimization was left unfinished. July sales: €6,990.00 Most Popular Blog Article of July: The Secret: This Is Why Your Blog Will Never Succeed Testimonials: 2016 Business Review: How I built a digital business that produced 76K sales in 14 months (broken down month by month) AUGUST 2016 Five days without a computer. Five days without work. HOLIDAY! Breaking away was difficult but worth it.

People are funny that if they get

Never pilot for free, in other words, don’t offer free coaching in a pilot because it won’t tell you anything about real demand.  something for free, they don’t care about it and don’t finish the material. When they have to invest money, they want to get the most out of coaching. And that’s how it should be. Launch the pilot. (launch time e.g. 2 weeks). Market everywhere and new data every day, send an email once a day = out of sight, out of mind, out of the sales page. After the launch, decide whether you want to take the coaching or not: if not, refund the money. If you like it, keep making materials. Don’t be afraid to return the money if you don’t get enough students.

Figure out the content of the

(Don’t try to solve 15 problems in one online training, and definitely don’t offer 6 months of online training.) Calculate the amount of work used for online coaching. (On average, it takes 2-3 working days to make, shoot, edit and publish one week’s worth of material: 24 weeks = 72 total working days.) Calculate Phone List how many students you need to have in order for the coaching to be profitable. (For example, the cost of online coaching is €5,000.00, the price of the coaching is €27.90 = 308 students before all costs are covered.) Decide on the final price.  online coaching. Complete the first 1-3 material packages. PILOT AND ANTICIPATE BEFORE TRAINING TO THE END.

From now on you need to get a team around

A realization that unfortunately came a couple of months too late. Fortunately, I had a few companions whose readers the book was a perfect fit for. June sales: €3,200.00 June’s most popular blog article: 3 easy steps to start blogging Testimonials: 2016 Business Review: How I built a digital business that produced 76K sales in 14 months (broken down month by month) JULY 2016 In July, the workload eased a little. At the beginning of the month, I published the last online coaching material for financial coaching, and I cried. However, we spent 6 months together with these wonderful people. Big insights into online coaching. And a lot of mistakes made. Here are the biggest insights (that only came from making mistakes) Make short, precisely defined and targeted online trainings.

For the most part my readership

At the end of June, it was time to launch another e-book. And there was tension again. I held a webinar for the partners and reviewed the progress of the launch. Hopes were high, although nothing could be trusted.  how well the previous launch went, you can never trust that the next one will be successful as well. You new database have to be humble and start all over – with every launch. When the launch started, I realized something rough: my own readership is not yet ready for this e-book. AND besides, they are on vacation.  was those families who had challenges with their own finances, not those who had 500 euros of extra money to put into investments.

Launches are funny because no matter

 Most Popular Blog Article of May: The Real Reason Why 95% of Bloggers Don’t Make Money (and 5 Things You Can Do to Fix It in 5 Minutes ) JUNE 2016 ” Why is the group on vacation? What do they do? Where do they hang out? ” Holiday. What is it? The last time I was on vacation was in March 2013. If the period of unemployment is not included. In the middle of doing all the work, I had totally forgotten that people actually take a vacation. And when Phone List people are on vacation, they don’t buy e-books and online training. Hmm… Is it time to panic again? #5 time I wanted to give up. However, there was no time to worry. Two online trainings were waiting to be completed and people were waiting for training material. I wanted to make the best possible content for both coaching sessions and the blog.

How do you get started with some

Online stores and different platforms also bring their own technical twists. Relying on expert help in technical implementation is more the rule than the exception. However. the most important part of conversions. instead of technical solutions. is still customer understanding. building a strategy and setting goals. Do you feel like your competitors are spe.ing past you.

Always mean money

Are you unsure how your company should act in the chang. market situation. Do you want to improve the effectiveness business database of your digital marketing. By defining the competitive means of marketing. you clarify your company.s value proposition. clarify your digital marketing goals and ensure that your company.s most important buyer personas find you. From a marketing point of view. competitive advantage means that a company is able to satisfy customer ne.s in a way that competitors are unable to meet.

Remember that your

On the other hand. current loyal customer was once an ad clicker and first time buyer. What would be his monetary Phone List value for the entire life of the customer. Why doesn.t lead conversion rate always correlate with sales numbers. The quality of the leads varies. There are always tire kickers in between. Leads are at different points in terms of information search. consideration and readiness to buy. Someone is colder. someone warmer than the other.

Videos are mainly consumed on mobile

The MRACE® dashboard. built and us. by SDM on the Google Data Studio platform. tells almost in real time the site.s events at every stage of the model. There are measurement points throughout the entire sales funnel. They are microconversion and conversion points tailor. to the site and business. which are us. to measure. for example. the percentage of leaving the site (bounce rate.

Accumulation of an email list

Act phase and the (Convert phase). With business lead the help of various connectors. almost any structur. data can be import. into the Dashboard – the options start with Excel tables and expand to more than six hundr. data connectors. e.g. About advertising on the platforms of Meta. Link.In and TikTok. With a couple of clicks. the views and filters of the dashboard show. for example.

A certain promotional

Your advertising is a gamble where one card is more likely to win than that. Building measurement is an important investment. because a Dashboard that is made once. serves well and is constantly Phone List in strategic use lasts for years – with minor additions or changes. the lifetime of the site. In addition to installing Google Universal Analytics or Analytics 4. implementing comprehensive conversion measurement requires creating triggers and tags in Google Tag Manager .

Video platforms in practice

Too high price. If the same . cheaper elsewhere under the same conditions. it is easy for the buyer to change the place of sale. However. if your store has a reputable brand. the visitor will start comparing stores less and less often. Interruption of the purchase transaction for a completely normal and external reason. Internet browsing is interrupt. several times during the day. Fortunately.

Shopping Cart to the visitor

You can target the products of the abandon. with retarget advertising and ensure the business email list purchase is convert. later. Email marketing is also an effective way to engage website visitors into buying customers. When you have calculat. that your product or service generates a profit after all expenses (including advertising). or your company gains visibility.

That a good conversion

The performance of campaign on all marketing channels. You can also examine any Phone List time period with different comparison periods (last month. quarter. year) and metrics with different filtering. Finally – You get what you measure Measuring advertising is one of the most challenging and diverse areas of digital sales. Without the right conversion setup. tracking and interpretation.

How should videos be produced

The way to handle leads differs for each lead and salesperson. Are all leads contact. equally quickly. are free audits or mappings offer. to everyone. does the seller still call after a week… Sometimes there can be too many leads . especially if the product or service you offer has to be competitive. By the time your seller manages to contact you. it.s already too late.

Stores have a high

Why do online (micro) conversion rate and shopping carts are abandon. without a purchase. Lack of trust. A cart abandoner hesitates b2b leads whether the product is good after all. whether it is safe to pay on the page or whether the return process works if the ne. arises. So invest in fast page loading. easy-to-find terms and conditions and high-quality product presentations. Slowness. ambiguity or incompatibility of delivery methods. Unclear or inappropriate returns policy.

Product can be obtain

you can trust rate reflects a good situation for your site. Lead marketing measures and track conversion trends with the Phone List MRACE® dashboard When you get a lot of information about the effectiveness of advertisements and conversion rates through multiple channels. it is worth automating and visualizing the way the information is present.. In this way. you free up the authors. time from reporting and facilitate sales and marketing management. budgeting and decision-making.

Other forms of advertising

Target your message specifically to them. When you want to create target groups for your advertising. download the free workbook for creating buyer personas and get start.. Sometimes there can be too many leads or they are not of uniform quality at all. in which case it is difficult for sellers to process or prospect them. You can listen to tips for these situations in the MRACE® podcast episode The contents of the Convert stage make people buy.

Always mean money

Does a good conversion rate coming in. The conversion rate tells about the activities that took place on the pages. and is not b2b email list directly comparable to the operating profit. The profitability of advertising can best be evaluat. with ROAS. but even this metric is not absolute. The margins for online store products differ. You should be able to estimate the monetary value of the leads as truthfully as possible.

Remember that your

On the other hand. current loyal customer was once an ad clicker and first time buyer. What would be his monetary Phone List value for the entire life of the customer. Why doesn.t lead conversion rate always correlate with sales numbers. The quality of the leads varies. There are always tire kickers in between. Leads are at different points in terms of information search. consideration and readiness to buy. Someone is colder. someone warmer than the other.

But this is a beginner’s mistake

For example, you can draw monthly asking people to put their business cards in a bowl. Or you can offer a free sample asking the customer to register their mobile number. Customer Support Phone If your business has a call center or a support call, your support agent may ask for a mobile number when a new customer calls. On these calls your team can encourage customers to sign up for alert– to make sure its benefits are explained.

Taken with a camera, change the name

 Cat If your website has a chatbot please use it to ask the customer ’ phone number. Similar to customer special data feedback, make sure you include an automated form query that will prompt the customer to give you their mobile number. This is not an unusual request – customers may want to get your reply when they leave the computer later. Laptop screens display chat boxes to pop up to talk to visitors Examples of chat boxes to call to action

Generated by the camera and add the keywords

Sign up for form chatbots Social channels and email are not the only places your brand can get a cell phone number. Don’t Phone List discount the “ Contact Us” page to give people the option to contact via SMS. It is a simple and non-invasive way for them to communicate with you in a – way You can collect their mobile phone number when you use it.

Example of Keyword Stuffing Google

Partnerships Think about possibly complementing your own business and consider joining forces to grow your database. This can effectively double your marketing efforts and help you attract more leads. Events & Meetings If you are attending an industry event please make the most of the opportunity to gather details about attending ’. Use some of the strategies listed in the above– such as contest giveaways or value exchange– to encourage people to give you their numbers.

Another aspect to take into account is the name

 Campaign win banner with text Campaign win banner with text Ad latest database your number From billboard to vehicle side make sure your dedicated number is clearly visible in all ads. Encourage customers to stay connected with memorable keywords in your ads. Using short codes will also make your phone number easy to remember. For example, ‘ will text when drinking alcohol in the store for free. Add ‘ mobile number ’ to the web form as a required field from the regular contact form to the feedback form and checkout page in the online store.

If you upload, for example, an image

 If you need to follow the opt-in rule, don’t forget to include a check box. You can also use this form to capture customer’ preferences by including a list of products or services they are interested in and then you will Phone List understand their needs and can adjust your marketing accordingly. In-store campaigns To encourage customers to share their mobile numbers when visiting your store, consider what you can offer to customers.

How content that is not strictly text

 You can dive in and start building the database. This is a great way to increase the number. . Tempt your customers by competing to win cool bonuses. Remember that the numbers you collect are worth using gold in your marketing so make sure your winnings are worth exchanging. Texting contests are one of the easiest ways to collect phone numbers. All you need is a dedicated mobile number customer to be able to enter a text message.

When uploading files to your WordPress

Text Win Banner That is, for every 1,000 words, we add a maximum new data of 10 times the keyword. #6. Use multimedia content… and optimize it! Many people do not pay much attention to the multimedia content when working on SEO positioning – images, videos, PDFs – that they upload to their publications and we should not neglect this aspect, since it is also possible that people reach our website by searching . of images on Google , for example, as well as for other types of

Media folder, make sure to at least

Text Example of Winning a Game . Keyword campaigns Similar to text win contests Keyword campaigns are designed to give your customers a lot of information to exchange their phone numbers. Advertisements require them to text you and then send them a Phone List special offer or discount in return. new segments automatically. Link triggers can be used in various ways to optimize your segments, messages or even to identify where your subscribers are in the customer journey .