Keys to a successful and current redesign of my Hotel Website

Keys to a, If we have come this far it is, perhaps, because we were able to convince those lagging and incredulous hoteliers that we talked about in the previous article. Unequivocal signs that your Hotel Website needs.  A Lift  and we managed to obtain a positive response from them to this important ask. Well then. Now it is our turn.  After having been able to recognize together what the weak points of our hotel. Website are . To get to work and work together with our . Designer to shape the new and improved website. There are many reasons why a “ modern. Intuitive and well-designed ” website will attract more customers and facilitate direct dialogue between them and our hotel. That is why we will see. Based on those previously recognized deficiencies.

Things I should take into account in the new design of my hotel website

Keys to a, Navigation: speed and usability can be and are the vital points. That influence the time spent on a website ( bounce rate ). Including a navigation email contact list bar or list of labels. That differentiate existing pages on the web ( this should be easy to find and understand ) will encourage quick and easy scrolling throughout the entire website. You should not get carried away by the exotic or too flashy design. “Simple and fast” navigation . in most cases.  Maximizes and facilitates use ( we have already talked about how a hotel’s website should be so intuitive that anyone can understand it ). Responsive Design: the use of Smartphones and Tablets to browse and search for information on the Internet plus the rise of mobile applications for purchasing.

email contact list

Does the design of my Hotel Website really matter?

Brand Identity: the logo and representative colors of your hotel must be transferred. And used in the  Phone List design of the website always with good aesthetic criteria and without being limited by them . It is of great importance that customers are able to recognize your hotel brand. So you must associate your website with the image projected by it. Often. Changes to a hotel’s visual identity can make guests feel uncomfortable.  Which can lead to a new perception and/or association with your property. Therefore, this is a situation that.  If it occurs. Must always be carefully managed. Reading patterns: ideally. A web page can be read as if it were a book  from top to bottom and from left to right . The most important information should generally.

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