Daily Archives: October 21, 2023

What should my website look like

 In today’s highly connect world, companies seeking success cannot ignore the power of Digital Marketing ! After all, the Internet and digital channels are already part of our lives, and Digital Marketing strategies have become indispensable to drive growth. This is because, by investing in Digital Marketing , you are able to: Expand your reach globally; Precisely segment your target audience; Interact in a direct and personaliz way with this audience.

At a much lower cost than in traditional

Measure results; Adapt quickly to market changes, in addition to other benefits that I will show you here. So follow me to discover the 10 Digital Marketing strategies you should invest in yesterday! Step by step: how to create a Digital Marketing plan for your company The biggest advantages of Digital Marketing strategies You’ve already seen that knowing your target audience is not the only benefit guarante by a successful online company , but the advantages go even further! special data Digital Marketing strategies , which are quite vari, tend to bring great results — but, in my opinion, the most important result that Digital Marketing generates is the growth of companies as a whole.

Target audience more effectively

Email is one of the oldest channels on the Internet and, without a doubt, it is still one of the most effective Digital Marketing tools ! After all, it is customizable, automatable and measurable — and builds an even stronger connection with consumers and customers through direct contact, exclusive content and promotions. and time, it is possible to take your first steps in Digital Marketing — and a good way to start is to do the best with what you have at hand: Taking your own cell phone to create content and share it on social mia or YouTube, for Phone List example, can be a great way to present your company and generate engagement with potential customers.

Your website is like your online home

Why doesn’t my company sell? The lack of a true Digital Marketing strategy could be the main reason why your company is not selling as well as it Your website could. The good news is that Orgânica’s Digital Marketing course will give you an overview to consider new strategies to reach your customers and, ultimately, increase sales . With the right approach, it is possible to grow in a healthy and sustainable way! In addition to the free classes, our course also has tests during it to provide access to additional materials! More than 25,000 students have already taken it and guarante its quality.

Digital Marketing Overview

Check out the testimony of one of the students: “The course is basic, but it open up a huge range of information for me to improve and delve deeper into the subject. With what I learn in this course, I have already manag to improve my website and the number of hits. I was also able to help other people with their websites. Very valuable information . Thank you, Organic people! Your blog is also very complete.” Do you want to enjoy all this? Sign up for our Latest database free. And when I talk about “growth”, two things have to happen: Sales — whether acquiring new customers or selling more often to.

Mia for example Just take a look at one of our


Digital Marketing course right now ! I’m sure you won’t regret taking this important step towards better results for your company — and, if you have any questions, keep counting on us10 Digital Marketing Phone List strategies to invest in yesterday William of Bortoli Per William of Bortoli 06/08/2023 Digital marketing CEO of Orgânica, has 20 years of experience in digital marketing and sales projects.

To make it attractive and responsive to

 So, if you want to stand out from the competition and boost your business, understand better what Content Marketing is and how to do it on our course! 8. Working with Facebook Anyone who thinks Facebook is dead is mistaken! On the contrary: it continues to be one of the most popular social networks in Brazil . To strengthen your brand , you cannot fail to include Facebook in your Digital Marketing strategy and, in the course, you will learn why it is still a great place not only to make friends, but also to gain customers ! 9.

Inviting and cozy your website should also

How to use Google Ads? Google Ads is one of the most powerful and popular advertising tools in the world. It allows you to create highly new database target ads and show them to people who are searching for keywords relat to your business. Too cool, right? If you want to have a strong presence in Google search and increase your sales , learn from us how to include Google Ads in your Digital Marketing strategy ! 10. Does Sending Email Marketing work.

And just as you want your home to be

So, by no means stop learning about this powerful tool and including it in your Digital Marketing strategy ! 11. How to put all the pieces together with Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is the glue that unites all Digital Marketing techniques and tools. It provides a strategic framework to integrate all your initiatives, including Content Marketing, SEO , Social Mia, Email Marketing … Therefore, we will teach you how to combine all of this with an Inbound Marketing strategy to ensure that your brand is present at all points of contact with Phone List consumers and clients, increasing your chances of conversion and loyalty! The definitive Inbound Marketing Handbook 12.

Generate more traffic and keep

Sounds great, doesn’t it? 4. Do I ne a blog? A common question that arises within many companies is whether they should really have a blog . The truth is that it is Digital Marketing’s best friend , because it helps attract traffic, increase business visibility Generate more and create a lasting relationship with your target audience. So, if you don’t already have a blog full of valuable content , you’ll learn why to start as soon as possible! 5. Measuring results with Google Analytics Google.

Visitors! In our course, you will learn how

Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to see how people interact with your website, blog, e-commerce… With it, you can monitor data such Generate more as the number of visits, the most access pages, the time people spend on new data each page and much more! And, in Orgânica’s Digital Marketing course, you will better understand why it is the key to understanding your visitors and achieving incrible results ! 6.

Be easy to use and enjoyable for

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Organic Traffic vs. Paid Traffic One of the topics that generates the most doubts for . Those implementing . Digital Marketing strategies is traffic generation . After all, what is the difference between the two? What is the best? Both have their advantages, so in our Digital Marketing course you will discover the characteristics of each one and which one to choose according to your objectives and resources! Traffic Composition over Time 7. Content Marketing Among the main ways to generate organic traffic is Content Phone List Marketing : a smart and effective strategy that helps to captivate your audience and build a stronger relationship with them.

Multiscale strategies as a response to crises

We are living in a time of great changes. A virus, whose particles worldwide could fit in a soda can, has broken all our plans. In March 2020 he knocked us all out and today we are still reeling. There is no area of ​​our lives that has not been affected by COVID. On a professional level the changes have been enormous. Professionals and companies have had to reinvent themselves. There was no other option. Now that it seems that we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we wonder what happened. We began to consider what we should do to adapt our businesses to the new scenario.

What can we do to protect ourselves from the next crisis?

The next stage will be to take measures to minimize the effects of the next crisis. We don’t want to go through the same thing again. But how does a company prepare for a situation as atypical as a pandemic? This is an extreme scenario, but it serves as a lesson to us to think about the long term and other types of crises. Since COVID arrived we have seen companies that have been able to adapt, others that after the initial setback are beginning to recover and others that have directly top industry data closed their doors. What is the factor that means that, between two companies in the same sector, one manages to get through the crisis and the other does not?

Long-term strategies as a guide to overcome crises and manage companies

We live in a short-term world. Our companies prefer short-term sales and ignore future problems. Anything that Phone List doesn’t sell is worthless. This is one of the approaches that I try to change in my daily life with my clients. Faced with such a changing world, we have chosen to try to control the short term and timidly look at the long term. When, in my opinion, it should be almost the opposite. Or rather, we should train the ability to handle both scenarios at the same time . In the BCG article “ Strategy on Multiple Timescales ”, he talks about this dichotomy and I really liked some of his approaches. Not everything that is beneficial for my company in the short term is good in the long term :

Brand purpose is a very powerful tool, but we must learn to use it

Since I began to delve deeper into brand purpose, my methodology for defining marketing strategies has evolved. I have found the piece I was missing, the link between company and market that I had been looking for for a long time. I have recently added a new link to this chain of learning. He started by looking with data at something that all marketing professionals have been thinking about for a long time. Through a book I discovered a study that made me understand the low influence of our marketing on the purchasing decision and that the key is to seek a different and more human approach to our audience . At this point I discovered that brand purpose is the basis of the new approach to marketing that companies need to learn . AND THIS CHANGED EVERYTHING .

When we align the purpose of the company with the market, they are automatically attracted to us.

Between the reason that led the founder of the company to create it (base purpose), and the market, there are several elements.  That we must align to become a magnet for our clients. It is not a magic formula, quite the opposite. We are talking about human relationships, we are talking about generating trust between two parties. The factors to align are: Purpose of the founder. Purpose of the.  Company. Company culture. Mercado. This is, obviously, a simplification, an outline of a complete process to be developed with a specific methodology (like the one we use at Purpose Driven Organizations ). Introducing category email list purpose into a company goes far beyond .  Marketing and communication. It is expensive, but the necessary changes must be worked on and produced in all departments of the company. 

Purpose connects us with the market, but poorly applied it can limit our growth

Purpose is the root of everything in the company, but it does not have to become the base argument or main value proposition of our marketing. When we find our purpose Phone List we are dazzled, it seems that .  We have found the solution to all our problems, the key that will make our company take off. And it is true that in the medium term there will be an important change, but as I said at the beginning of this article, it is not magic. This positive change is the result of a work process. As part of this temporary dazzle, it seems to us that anything we .  Communicate to the market has to breathe 100% of our purpose. And it is tr.  Ue that everything has to go through its filter, but we must measure the .  Weight we give to each of the arguments. If, for example, our purpose is related to sustainability .  And we overemphasize this argument.

Is sustainability a valid argument for all companies?

The context has changed, the rules of the game have changed, but have companies changed? I have been talking about purpose for some time on this blog, as a tool not only to connect with the market, but as a filter for each of the activities carried out by the company . Companies must take a step forward and get involved with society But of course, what happens when we connect with the market? That our role in it changes, that our relevance increases, that we are (our companies are) more influential in the market. My impression is that the approach of providing “only” a good value proposition is beginning to not be enough. Since before COVID we see a trend that has worsened.

Sustainability as a brand purpose or as an advertising argument

In this sense, many companies.  Have chosen sustainability as an argument to .Connect with society. Depending on the company, sustainability is part of the purpose that guides the evolution industry email list of the company or it remains more of an advertising argument than anything else. We are in a moment in which society is more sensitive and receptive to these arguments and companies are taking advantage of it. Nowadays if you are not sustainable, ecological, etc. you are nobody. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for taking care of our planet. What doesn’t fit me is the use of sustainability as an advertising banner. What will these companies do when the trend changes? What will these initiatives become?

How much force does an argument have or lose when many use it?

And on the other hand, being clear that sustainability and . Xaring for our planet are fundamental, I wonder, how powerful is the argument of sustainability for our . Audiences? (it will be more relevant for some than for others) how much strength does it lose when so many companies are using similar arguments? What will happen to the audiences of companies that do not Phone List fulfill their promise? That said, my thoughts on sustainability as part of a company’s strategy are: Sustainable is . Nrn, not made. It must be part of the company’s purpose. For sustainability to.  Generate real traction in the market, it has to be part of this competitive advantage that makes the company different.