How to use Technical SEO correctly

 Having dirty code on the pages: they can cause problems when robots review the blog. Set the non-indexing option: the error here is not eliminating the option to have the plugins not indexe. Excessive tags: can create duplicate pages. What Tools can. How to use Technical SEO correctly help with Technical SEO. There are several useful tools that can help you with technical SEO. making it easier to analyze and optimize your website from a technical point of view. Some of the most popular tools are: SEMRush: is. A tool that can give you a good view of the technical situation of your page.

Gives you an overview of your page

 PageSpee ​​Insights: allows you to understand Mexico Phone Number Data how your page spee is and gives you recommendations on how you can improve it. GTMetrix: e spee and gives you detaile recommendations on how you can improve it. Screaming Frog SEO Spider: gives you a complete analysis of your website’s technical SEO. including information about the quality. Of the links you receive and the structure of the elements on your site. . Using technical .SEO correctly is not easy. here are some useful tips: Conduct a technical audit of the website: to identify any technical or performance issues that may be affecting search engine rankings.

 Optimize site loading speed

Techniques such as image compression. implementing Lebanon Phone Number a page cache. and removing unnecessary elements from the site can be use. Improve site architecture and internal linking structure – to help search engines understand the hierarchy of pages on the website. Implement a clear and consistent data structure: Helps search engines understand the content and purpose of pages on a website. Ensure the website is secure and accessible: to ensure that users can access the website securely and without problems. Frequent questions: What is the difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO.


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