Video optimization How to position videos on the Internet

SEO is not only about content optimization. The content whose visibility is also worth taking care of are video materials. What is their positioning?
Video positioning mainly concerns YouTube, because it is where most of this type of content is placed. However, since Google owns this platform, it often displays videos posted on YouTube in search results. This means that if you optimize your video properly, it will not only gain popularity on this site, but will also be highly visible in the Google search engine, which will provide you with double benefits.

What is video positioning

The first Whatsapp Database step in video optimization is choosing keywords. It is worth choosing phrases that have a high search volume and refer to your company.

When creating a keyword database, also pay attention to long tail phrases. They are much less competitive, and at the same time satisfactorily effective. You can place them in the title, description and tags of your videos.

To find effective phrases, use one of the most popular keyword analysis tools, Senuto.

How to optimize videos for SEO

Follow social media guidelines
Remember Phone List that the optimization scheme should be adapted to the guidelines of the platform on which you intend to share your videos. What do such rules apply to? First of all, the length, size, names and content of the call to action. For example, square videos work better on Facebook, while Twitter prefers horizontal videos.

Set a publication schedule
The number of views of a given video is primarily influenced by its publication time. So make sure you share your video during peak activity times for your target market. You can determine this by analyzing the time users search for your keywords. Then use tools such as SEOMoz Video Analyzer or VidIQ.

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