Skills and qualifications:
The skills, knowlge and experience ne to perform the job effectively.
Reporting relationships: The individuals or departments to which the job holder reports.
Authority and responsibilities: The level of authority and decision-making power grant to the job holder.
Examples of job functions:
Selling products or services to customers.
Promoting products or services to target audiences.
Finance: Manage the pany’s financial resources.
Human Resources:
Manage employee How to Build Phone Number List relations and benefits.
Designing and Country Email List Library developing products or systems.
Information Technology:
Provide technical support and maintain information systems.
Understanding job functions is important to:
Clarity of work: Provide employees with a clear understanding of your expectations.
Identifying suitable candidates for job openings.
Performance appraisal:
Evaluating employee performance bas on their job responsibilities.
Career Development: Helping employees understand their career prospects and opportunities.
Organizational structure:Contribute to the overall structure and functioning of the organization.
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